Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Uh-oh, we're mobile!

Grayson has officially started to crawl, forward and with purpose.

Today I put him on his play mat and went to the kitchen to make a bottle. Not a minute later when I turned around, there he was, propped up on his belly on the kitchen floor looking proud as can be.

Insert the "Holy Hell, how did you do that" yelp from the Momma here.

Now don't get me wrong, I knew it was coming. For weeks now he has been getting up on all fours, but before yesterday he had never crawled more than five paces forward.  Usually he's like the Paula Abdul song- two steps forward and then two steps back.  He wasn't really getting anywhere.  Well, my little over achiever decided to change that today.

As if that wasn't enough, he also decided today to start feeding himself little bites of food from his high chair tray. Before he would just open his mouth and yell at us to put the puffs or bites of whatever we were eating in his mouth. Big things he's mastered, now we're working on the small stuff.

Oh yeah, and we also tried to pull ourselves up to a standing position on the Jumparoo.

I know I said I don't want to miss a single first- something I worry about alot being a working momma- but I never expected three in one day.  Don't tell the bean, but Id be totally okay if he stayed small for just a smidge more time.

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